In the aftermath of the recent devastating earthquake, the Ganesh Himal Community Foundation has announced a new initiative aimed at rebuilding the Shree Sthaania Bhume School in Dhading Satyadevi Eight. The school, which served as a cornerstone of the community, was severely damaged in the quake, leaving hundreds of students without access to education.
The foundation, known for its community development and empowerment efforts, is now calling on the global community to support this critical initiative. They are seeking donations to help fund the reconstruction of classrooms, purchase necessary building materials such as cement and wood, and cover labor costs.
The foundation has set up a dedicated bank account to facilitate donations for this cause. Those wishing to contribute can make their donations to the following account:
Account Name: Ganesh Himal Community Foundation
Account number: 13201050025782
Bank name: Nepal Investment Megabank Ltd
Bank Adress: Durbarmarg
Postal code: 44600
City: Kathmandu
The foundation has expressed its commitment to ensuring that every dollar donated will go directly toward the school’s reconstruction. They believe that rebuilding the Shree Sthaania Bhume School is not just about restoring a building, but about restoring hope and a sense of normalcy for the children and the community at large.
The Ganesh Himal Community Foundation is deeply grateful for any support provided. They believe that with the collective effort of kind-hearted individuals and organizations worldwide, the Shree Sthaania Bhume School can once again stand as a beacon of education and community strength in Dhading Satyadevi Eight.
In these challenging times, every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference. By donating to this cause, you can play a part in rebuilding a community and shaping a brighter future for the students of the Shree Sthaania Bhume School.